What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Do-It-Yourself Houha Design


Thomas Houha Designs

©Thomas Houha Designs

Got your attention, didn’t I?

I hate math. Yes, I know how important it is, but it was always the subject that plagued me the most, and it still has the power to make me cringe.  However, these laser-cut model kits represent such a successful meeting of art and science and math, they make me hate math just a teensy bit less.  Plus, they really do look like fun.

Thomas Houha Designs

©Thomas Houha Designs

“Intricately detailed and mathematically designed our work is inspired by classic geometric forms that have been central to art, architecture and science throughout history.”

In addition to all their intricate, intellectual models, they also make nifty 1950’s-sci-fi-style spaceship models and other incredibly adorable little bits of this-and-that, like this 4″ x 5″ drafting table. Who doesn’t need one of these on their desk?

Thomas Houha Designs

©Thomas Houha Designs


Here’s Thomas Houha’s Etsy shop:

And here’s a really interesting interview with the designer on

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

3 thoughts on “Do-It-Yourself Houha Design

  1. I think of myself trying to make one of these and I see glue, splinters, and tears. Thank goodness some people have steady hands.


  2. You are brilliant. Just don’t let it end up on the intertubes.


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