What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Perfectly Imperfect:


holly 1

Would you look at that face? She looks like a miniature Bjork! ©Holly Spring

Holly Spring started seriously pursuing photography after giving birth to a daughter with Hirschsprung’s Disease (a congenital colon defect) and a missing left hand. Her concept was to show the child that she can achieve anything as long as she believes in herself. While the message is maybe a little optimistic, I can hardly blame her. We all want our children to believe in magic as long as they can, and the combination of this mother’s vision and her daughter’s beauty is pretty magical.

My daughter is my muse and my heart that inspires me to follow my passion and share these unique photos and digital art with you.” – Holly Spring

I hope you are as swept away by the beautiful photography of this talented young woman as I am. The judges of the 2014 NZIPP/Epson Iris Portrait Creative Photographer of the Year competition certainly were!

©Holly Spring

©Holly Spring

©Holly Spring

©Holly Spring

©Holly Spring

©Holly Spring

©Holly Spring (Photographer’s Note: the last image of the Giraffe showing my daughter with the wrong limb difference is intentional for creative purposes and continuity of light and narrative. This image was awarded a Gold at the prestigious NZIPP Epson Iris Awards this year.)

©Holly Spring (Photographer’s Note: the image of the Giraffe showing my daughter with the wrong limb difference is intentional for creative purposes and continuity of light and narrative. This image was awarded a Gold at the prestigious NZIPP Epson Iris Awards.)

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

13 thoughts on “Perfectly Imperfect:

  1. Creativity & art enriches us as well as her beautiful daughter. Thanks.


  2. Perfect with all the imperfections!


  3. Truly magical. Moke


  4. Pingback: 365 Days of Beautiful Things!!! | My OBT

  5. How inspiring! I adore this.

    Liked by 1 person

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