What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?




Roni Chadash

Today’s beautiful thing is also a profoundly strange thing. Israeli dancer/choreographer Roni Chadash, known for her use of body distortion and unexpected, impossible-looking movements, created and performed this wonderfully weird piece.

Of course, one wasn’t enough for me. Here are two of her other pieces, choreographed and performed with equal skill and simplicity.

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

9 thoughts on “No-Body

  1. Well that was profoundly weird.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t even have words to describe this, but it was really beautiful in its own way..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You nailed it with “unexpected, impossible-looking movements”. I ache all over now.

    Liked by 1 person

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