What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Reborn Robots



Manhattanite* Rob sees robot parts everywhere. He’s fond of hitting garage sales and buying up any non-working electronics, appliances, and other objects that inspire him. He then takes them apart, and turns them into adorable robot sculptures with tons of personality. I want to buy them all and give them out to my people!

*Manhattan, Kansas, that is.

“I love making Found Objects Robot Sculptures, every one of them is unique in their own little way. I also like to Collect and take care and preserve items and pass them on to others. I enjoy going to estate sales, flea markets and auctions in search of my robot parts and vintage items.”

I wish I had Rob’s talent for seeing something new in old junk. It must be so satisfying to turn unloved objects into these lovable little guys.

You can see all of Rob’s reclaimed robot creations in the RobotShopAndMore Etsy shop and on Instagram.

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

8 thoughts on “Reborn Robots

  1. I love that each one has its own “personality”. Sweet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are just down right cute. We,my sister and I, just took several boxes of ‘junk’ to the resale shop. Wish i could have sent them to this artist.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The imagination and talent of some people…. Every one of these is so cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love these, especially the red ones and the dogs! Fantastic find.

    Liked by 1 person

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