What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Moving Mosaics


Hannah & Nemo

Mosaic makers Hannah & Nemo are “on a mission to create art that restores your faith in humanity.” What a sweet inspiration! They make moving mosaics like the one above from recycled aluminum cans using a metal punch. They then loosely attach each colored metal sequin to their canvases, making art that moves at the slightest disturbance of the air. I think it’s really beautiful stuff.

In addition to being great allies for the earth and for love of all kinds, the couple is clearly crazy about each other, which makes their art that much more special. The pair both started out as architects, but quickly became disillusioned by their corporate overlords. They decided to break out and live “slow and tiny.”

“More than anything, we want everything we create, but especially our moving mosaics, to help you slow down, take a deep breath, and notice the little things in life, so that you will feel less distracted by the troubles of our world, and more inspired to treat yourself and the earth well.”

– About Hannah & Nemo

You can follow Hannah & Nemo (and even donate cans!) on their website and on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

5 thoughts on “Moving Mosaics

  1. OOH, sparkles! I love their work and philosophy about the work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How much fun it would be to have one. Now …where is my hole punch.?

    Liked by 1 person

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