What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?


Etsomnia™ Volume XXXIX: Derby Day

Perhaps the biggest fascinator in the history of fascination. By BWerson74

Perhaps the largest fascinator in the history of fascination. By my hero BWerson74, who offers many fabulous / crazy hat choices

Et·som·ni·a (/etˈsämnēə/), noun, 1. a sleep disorder caused by obsessive Etsy browsing. 2. the surprising arrival of weird handmade merchandise ordered when one is only half conscious. (True story.)

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The 30-Second Face

3D makeup printer MODA by Foreo

MODA by Foreo

I held off on writing about this technology because it seemed too good to be true. I assumed it was an April Fools Day prank, but three plus weeks later, Foreo is still keeping a straight face and even giving interviews, so I think it’s safe to assume it’s real. Continue reading


Etsomnia™ Volume XXXVIII: Bathing . . . Beauties?

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Stock Phonies:

“All of our produce is locally sourced, organically grown, and sink-infused with toddler feet."

“All of our produce is locally sourced, organically grown, and sink-infused with toddler feet.”

Anyone who’s scrolled (or, for those of us old enough to remember, flipped) through stock photos knows they often show an exaggerated version of reality. The models depicted are either too happy or too unhappy, things are either going too well or impossibly badly. Who wants to pay for a stock photo of a meh Tuesday, right? Continue reading


Edible Art (for Deep Pockets)

Edible Sea Glass

Edible Beach Glass by AndiesSpecialtySweets

You know I spend a lot of time goofing on Etsy. But as much as I enjoy the Etsy disasters (and I do), I am even more delighted when I find a seller whose wares inspire and intrigue me, and AndieSpecialSweets is definitely one of those. Continue reading


Etsomnia™ Volume XXXVII: It’s In the Bag

Dear Etsy, You complete me. Love, Donna. By MariaAgafos

Oh, Etsy, how I love thee!

Et·som·ni·a (/etˈsämnēə/), noun, 1. a sleep disorder caused by obsessive Etsy browsing. 2. the surprising arrival of weird handmade merchandise ordered when one is only half conscious. (True story.)

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Give It a Rest

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As distressing as the big pointy bird canopy is, it’s the giant, scary bird feet that really freak me out.

“I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: no good in a bed, but fine up against a wall.” Eleanor Roosevelt

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