What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Destination Illustration


Nick Fairbanks

I was hunting around the internet (as I do), looking for tips on perspective drawing in Photoshop when I came across this tip by illustrator/animator Nick Fairbanks. Mind blown. It was just what I hoped for, but then I started looking at his work, and down the Fairbanks rabbit hole I went. The freelance artist works out of Atlanta, and his style is a little cartooney, a little retro, and a lot stylish. I love how many of his works include just a touch of animation. Very simple stuff, like lights twinkling on the Eiffel Tower with indisctinct little figures walking around beneath and traffic passing, but it’s so effective. It truly brings these pieces to life.

And as much as I enjoy Fairbanks’s style, his generosity with his knowledge is equally appealing. He is clearly a born mentor, and even though my creative pursuits run in a very different vein, I found his advice to be really easily applied to my life as well.

“Create something every day that makes you want to call your mom and tell her about it.” – Nick Fairbanks

Fairbanks also shares with his audience the fact that his social media only became really popular once he realized that art about specific places caused people to engage more. Maybe it reminded them of home or of a favorite trip or an upcoming vacation, but when he posted art that focused on a particular location, he found his followers grew exponentially. That’s great advice for someone just starting out.

You can follow Nick Fairbanks on his website and Instagram, and you can purchase digital downloads of some of his art on Etsy.

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

6 thoughts on “Destination Illustration

  1. It takes as much imagination as it does talent to pull this off..He has it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really like this artist’s style. Although digital, the illustrations remind me of mid-century travel posters plus a bit of Richard Scarry’s Busytown.

    Liked by 1 person

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