What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Pipe Dream


Happy Pride month!

Non-binary singer/songwriter Olive Klug’s music reminds me of the storytelling style of Joni Mitchell, and I think that’s about the best compliment I have ever paid a songwriter. Their lovely, soft little voice is perfectly matched to their sweet, gentle music, and I am now listening to their songs on repeat.

Olive completed a liberal arts degree just before Covid hit, putting on hold their plans to pursue a career in social work. They always loved making music, but when asked about pursuing it as a career, they would characterize it “as either a hobby or a pipe dream, depending on who was asking.” Olive ended up getting a temp teaching job, then worked as a barista before deciding to try and pursue music full time. I for one am very glad they finally committed to music!

You can listen to the lovely Olive Klug’s music on their website and on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

4 thoughts on “Pipe Dream

  1. Despite your write up, I was not prepared for just how reminiscent of Joni Mitchell their voice is. It is not just the mellifluous quality of their voice, that strength in the softness, but also the subject matter of their lyrics. I particularly felt that ‘Song About America’ – my favourite among the songs you showcased here – could have been written by Mitchell in terms of making those small observations and quilting them together.

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  2. Their voice is amazing and the videos are great too. My fave here is Out of Line, and definitely sharing it with my daughters.

    Liked by 1 person

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