What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

World’s Biggest Paper Doll



How much fun do you think Ennio Marchetto‘s crafts room is? I want to go spend a month working for him and trying to learn how he sees these paper costumes in his head. The details are amazing. Sure, his costumes are cartoon-like, but that’s deliberate, and he never misses a beat. He’s truly amazing. And how does he figure out how to transition from one to the next? It really is remarkably thought out.

Just watch. You won’t be disappointed.

Oh, and if you have any colored paper hanging around that you don’t need, send it my way. I’m working on my own act.











Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

5 thoughts on “World’s Biggest Paper Doll

  1. I found your facebook group! Cool. My personal FB is under Cathy Cochran Milne.
    This post is fabulous…thank you for sharing I found my self laughing over and over while absorbing these hilarious pictures.
    I kept thinking about some of my trans friends, who are more political than anything, and how they would respond to the photos. More chuckles!

    Ta Ta for now, Cathy the Bagg Lady


  2. Oops! I forgot the video! I watched with my grandsons and they laughed harder than me; especially the Marilyn Monroe and her flopping breasts. They are almost six and almost three and they still have breast fetishes from being breast fed. We always have to remind them that it is not appropriate to comment on a woman’s breasts. It is totally embarrassing!! Now they want to make paper dolls……ah maybe I can find that craft paper 😉


  3. Pingback: My One Beautiful Thing – the Early Years | My OBT

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