What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Four Eyes!


I took a recent (virtual) wander around the V&A Museum (thanks to Hal), and I came upon their eye glasses exhibit. I thoroughly enjoyed the collection, and it made me realize I’d never done a post about eyeglasses. They may seem too humdrum to be exciting, but though ubiquitous, in the hands of talented designers, eye glasses can be art. Some people are even known for their eye wear, like John Lennon’s iconic round glasses, Prue Leith (Great British Baking Show) and her signature primary-colored frames, and Elton John with his outrageous eye wear.

So here, without further blather, are some of the more eye-conic, eye-ronic, or just eye-popping eye wear designs I found (with a few tragedies thrown in for fun).

He really is a nugget…

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

10 thoughts on “Four Eyes!

  1. LOL…The corgi is the best.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The corgi! Ha ha ha!

    As a lifelong wearer of glasses, I appreciate the theme of this post. I love when people have really characterful, statement frames. I have never been brave enough. I have always worn very neutral coloured frames but I branched out when I had to get varifocals last year and got purple frames. Maybe a decade or two from now I will be confident enough to wear glasses with more pizzazz.

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  3. You left out the two different colors hat allowed you to see 3-D art/pictures. Also, the new ones that allow you to see 3-D movies. I also got a couple of good laughs with today’s post — Hal

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  4. Greg and I always like to see what glasses Gayle King is wearing.

    Liked by 1 person

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