What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

A Labor of Lovecraft


Squealing White Thing

Squealing White Thing ©Michael Bukowski


“I was much less disturbed by the vaguer tales of wails and howlings in the barren, windswept valley beneath the limestone cliff; of the graveyard stenches after the spring rains; of the floundering, squealing white thing on which Sir John Clave’s horse had trod one night in a lonely field;”

– H.P. Lovecraft, The Rats In the Walls

Artist Michael Bukowski has taken on an herculean task. He’s set out to illustrate all the creatures from the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. As he pointed out, in some cases, Lovecraft’s descriptions are highly detailed, but in others, he leaves most of the details to the imagination. As you look at Bukowski’s work, it becomes immediately apparent just how much imagination he possesses. When I started hunting around for more information about him, one of the first things I came across was this statement on his website:

“Michael Bukowski will not do artwork for bands that have racist, sexist or homophobic lyrics.”

Good for him! Of course, he’s dedicated an awful lot of his career thus far to illustrating the works of HP Lovecraft, who was an infamous racist and misanthrope, so maybe he’s already got enough hate in his life. Nonetheless, I thought that was a pretty stand-up thing for an artist to say.

I have really enjoyed scrolling through all the monsters on his blog, As if the Lovecraft project wasn’t enough, he’s also doing other creatures that speak to him; characters from Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology, characters inspired by song lyricsRichard Nixon, and other monsters. To each, he lovingly adds these super-creepy little details that give the images so much depth. They really stick with you. I hope you have fun looking at his work. I certainly did!

(Warning: while the images I’ve posted are pretty tame, there are an awful lot of sex organs in Mike’s work, so proceed to his website with caution.)


Yog-Sothoth ©Michael Bukowski

Cthulu ©Michael Bukowski

Cthulu ©Michael Bukowski

hound of tindalos

Hound of Tindalos ©Michael Bukowski


Coloroutofspace ©Michael Bukowski


Tsathoggua ©Michael Bukowski


Charybdis ©Michael Bukowski


Shoggoth ©Michael Bukowski

leng spider

Leng Spider ©Michael Bukowski

shub niggurath

Shub Niggurath ©Michael Bukowski

Shub Niggurath

Shub Niggurath ©Michael Bukowski


Martian ©Michael Bukowski


Ghast ©Michael Bukowski


Ghatanothoa ©Michael Bukowski

"Apollo, chasing Daphne, gain'd his prize  But lo! she turned to wood before his eyes." H.P. Lovecraft, On the Vanity Of Human Ambition

“Apollo, chasing Daphne, gain’d his prize
But lo! she turned to wood before his eyes.”
H.P. Lovecraft, On the Vanity Of Human Ambition ©Michael Bukowski

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

9 thoughts on “A Labor of Lovecraft

  1. How curious that someone with moral values has invested so much of himself and his talents in someone so morally vile. His website has quite a spectrum. Did he say what inspired the Lovecraft fascination (perhaps he got paid handsomely for that work?)?

    Liked by 1 person

    • All I could find was that he loved the work of Lovecraft and he was inspired by the creatures in his writing. I know what you mean, though. Lovecraft was a right bastard.


  2. “Richard Nixon, and other monsters” lol! I like that. (:

    I went through a Lovecraft phase years ago…it’s not the man that you obsess over (he was just a sad old wackadoo) it’s the terror, I think. So glad I didn’t see these pictures back then!

    I won’t go to that website (I don’t like being scared anymore) but I’m curious…did he have any Mothman stuff?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. good stuff. Thanks for the post.


  4. Hey guys! Thanks so much for posting this! I really appreciate all the kind words. I’m actually glad you found my personal art site as well, especially that disclaimer. I don’t blame anyone for wondering why I spend so much time illustrating creatures created by such a wretched man. It’s actually something I’ve struggled with for a long time, but basically it boils down to this. I love the work, hate the man. I also understand that the work has aspects of the man in it…Medusa’s Coil and The Horror At Red Hook are prime examples. Basically, I love his nihilism, cosmic horror and the mood he sets in his stories, but loathe he class elitism, racism and misogyny. I recently did an interview (which I’ll post on my blog as soon as it publishes) that goes more in depth. There is hope though. A lot of modern weird fiction authors, who love HPL’s work are (whether consciously or not) taking the things they love about HPL and dumping the horrid stuff. Author’s like Laird Barron, John Langan, Molly Tanzer, Livia Llewellyn, and Simon Strantzas write work that is inspired by the cosmic outlook of Lovecraft’s work but without the hate. Sorry, I hope that wasn’t too long of a response and thanks again!!


    • Michael, you’re the artist. You may go on as long as you like!

      It’s always a thrill to hear from the creators of the arts I feature (unless they’re in Etsomnia, then I’m in trouble). I’m delighted you found the post. I’m an avid fantasy and sci fi reader myself, so I’m going to check out the authors you mentioned. Also really looking forward to that interview on your blog.

      Thanks again for visiting and commenting (and explaining), and keep up the great work! I’m hoping you’ll publish a book of your illustrations called “Richard Nixon and Other Monsters.” Just a suggestion . . .



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