What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Creepy Crawly Creativity


©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

I always loved bugs.* Beetles, worms, crickets, moths, cicadas, you name it, I played with it. Yes, I was that kid. But I don’t think I loved bugs as much as Christopher Marley does. Interestingly enough, his obsession with the creepy crawlies started as a powerful fear of them. The Oregon-born former print and runway model overcame his revulsion, and found ways to use the world’s most beautiful insects to make stunning works of art. Marley’s mosaics are composed using the obviously beautiful members of the insect kingdom (is that a thing?), butterflies, moths, beetles, and the like, alongside the less obviously lovely insects, to great effect.

*In the interest of full disclosure, I should admit that there are three kinds of bugs I can’t stand. I cannot abide spiders, anything from the roach family, or mosquitoes. And yes, I know how stupid it is to dislike spiders, so don’t bother trying to talk me out of it.

Here’s the best part. Far from reducing the world’s insect population, Marley is actually encouraging these populations’ preservation:

“Marley works with local collectors all over the world to source his material. . . These locals are carefully selecting adults and encouraging the growth of the collectors are ensuring that the larvae, eggs and pupae have a chance to grown and reproduce themselves. Indigenous families care for the land, protect it from clear cutting and help support the insect populations all while earning a sustainable income.”

So to sum up, he’s handsome, he’s talented, he’s eco-conscious. Oh, and he’s kind of funny:

“I have a love-hate relationship with damselflies. Their dainty bodies and lightly iridescent wings typify elegance and grace, yet prepared in a structured pattern add an architectural, purposeful feel to the piece. However, damselflies are among the most delicate and fragile of insects. Until they are hermetically sealed in their frames, they are totally unstable – warping from a simple change in barometric pressure or humidity. My vocabulary has greatly expanded since I began working with damselflies. And not for the better.”

Honestly, the idea that these gorgeous, delicate, fairy-like creatures inspire quantities of cursing makes me love them even more. I hope you enjoy them, too!

This is the one I'm saving up for, B.T.W. ©Christopher Marley

This is the one I’m saving up for, B.T.W. ©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

marley 5b

©Christopher Marley


©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

©Christopher Marley

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

20 thoughts on “Creepy Crawly Creativity

  1. Very . . . interesting! 🙂 I like bugs, too, from a distance.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. …they really are beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That is amazing so I imagine they’re very expensive… I had one of those blue butterflies in a box a long time ago. I think I smashed the plastic (accidentally) in a rage about something and was very sad about that. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    • I used to have a couple of huge moths. Not sure what happened to them. Maybe the hurricane got them. There’s a store in the city I used to go to called The Evolution Store ( and they used to have lots of mounted beetles and things. Nothing this elaborate or artistic, though. I may pop back into the store for a fix, though.


  4. I am not keen on creepy crawlies at all. They do look rather pretty here though!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These are amazing. Wow! I happen to love bugs and beasties anyway. We actually had Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches as pets when we lived in Scotland. I don’t like to touch worms, slugs or snails but otherwise I like all those creepy crawly things.


  6. Exquisite. He has a brilliant eye for detail. I didn’t know bugs could be so gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. These are so gorgeous, yet make me sad in a way. Viewing corpses . . . .

    Liked by 1 person

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