What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Letting in the Daylight


Today, we’re taking a look at one of my favorite categories of jewelry making. Plique-à-jour is a French term that translates loosely to “letting in the daylight.” The term describes a category of jewelry that uses transparent enamel without backing, creating a stained glass effect. It was most popular during the Art Nouveau era, which produced many fine examples of the merging of the art of the age in glowing miniature. I am fortunate enough to own a couple of pieces of this style of jewelry, and they’re so gorgeous, I’m tempted to hang them in my windows when I’m not wearing them.

You can see more amazing antique and contemporary works of plique-à-jour on Instagram.

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

2 thoughts on “Letting in the Daylight

  1. You won’t find any of these in Walmart but so happy that I got to see them today. Beautiful work. I miss the old days when artists were still doing this art. I did not make any effort to find out how much they cost today. I want to think they are priceless. Hal

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