What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing?

Repost: Aspens in the Distance…



Heesoo Lee

Note: I apologize for the mid-week reposts, but we had a minor family emergency and I didn’t have the time or the bandwidth to write anything. Back to our regularly-scheduled programming tomorrow, I hope.

11/7/17: Today’s find is thanks to Andrea Huelsenbeck. She does a fantastic link lineup on Fridays called Creative Juice that’s always chock-full of fascinating articles and links. Give her a try!

Montana-based ceramic artist Heesoo Lee creates delicate-looking vessels that represent her home state’s beautiful flora. The dreamlike colors of her aspen series are especially attractive to me, and I love the way they contrast with her bolder-colored poppy bowls. But as much as I’m drawn to her colors, it’s really the texture of Lee’s work that seems most incredible. She painstakingly places every leaf, building layer upon layer to create multi-depth masterpieces.

Her amazing pieces are made of porcelain and white stoneware and painted with layer upon layer of underglaze. Her painting medium of pigmented clay is so pale that it often requires thirty+ layers to achieve the effect she wants.

You can follow Lee on Instagram and Etsy.

All images property of Heesoo Lee.

Author: Donna from MyOBT

I have committed to spending part of every day looking for at least one beautiful thing, and sharing what I find with you lovelies!

3 thoughts on “Repost: Aspens in the Distance…

  1. I hope things are okay with you and your family now.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Kitten is angry. | Memo Of The Air

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